Malt Layered Mousse
Ingredients 8-ounces
of canned pumpkin (usually available in 15-ounce cans) 2 containers
of Cool Whip 1 Box of vanilla pudding mix (Family Size) 2 cups cold milk 1/2
tsp. pumpkin pie spice or cinnamon Dried Banana Chips (for decoration) Soda
Fountain ® Malted Milk Powder (appx. 1 c)How
to make Prepare
Pudding mix as directed on Box... in a bowl, add pudding mix to 2 cups cold milk.
Beat with wire whisk or electric mixer at low speed for 2 minutes. Place pudding
bowl in Refrigerator to thicken. (Appr. 20 min.)
In a large mixing bowl,
put 8 ounces of pumpkin, 1 container of cool whip, pumpkin pie spice and the "thickened"
pudding. With a spacula, fold those ingredient together. Then in a decorative
stemmed glass, placea layer of pumpkin pudding, then sprinkle malt (as a
layer) then pumpkin pudding then another malt layer, then
pumpkin pudding. Then put a dab of cool whip on top. Sprinkle with Pumpkin Spice
and place a dried banana chip on top.
Chill and enjoy!
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