Snicker Malt Salad Great for dessert or side salad.
Ever Malty Apple Crisp Dessert Great if you serve it warm with Vanilla
Ice Cream! Brownies
with Malt Wonderful combination! Cocao
NIB Malt Stracciatella Ice Cream Shared by a devoted
customer of ours! Enjoy this delicious treat!
Chocolate Malt Cake Not
too sweet, malt flavored cake! Chocolate
Malt Eggnog What a treat for kids or adults! Hot
Malty Chocolate Try a little different taste in your Hot Chocolate Drink.
Pancakes Add bananas, blueberries, chocolate chips, ???
Chocolate Chip Cookies Make your favorite recipe
even better! Malty Holiday
Drinks Pink Squirrels or Grasshoppers. Mini
Banana Split Malt Pies Easy to make and fun to eat.
Malted Milk Rounds Great easy cookie recipe with white frosting!
Cheese Ball Goes great with any fruit!
w/ Malt Keep them guessing on what you added to your muffins!
Malty Puppy Chow Wonderul
Party Mix for Kids and Adults! Peanut
Butter Chocolate Malt Bars What a wonderful combination!
Pumpkin Malt Bars No Pumpkin
Pie? Try our Pumpkin Malt Bars instead!
Malt Layered Mousse Another Pumpkin Recipe! This one looks elegant
and tastes heavenly!
Malty Nuts (Recipe will be available soon) It will keep your family and
guests wondering what the powder is on the nuts. Have
a Malt Recipe you want to share, Email us
and we will post it! |